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Braj Bhumi’s Ongoing Commitment

Yashoda - Jennifer Hans

Yashoda Becomes a Guardian for Children in Need

Discover how a single mother overcame immense challenges to establish Bhakta Bandhav Gurukulam, a sanctuary where children’s lives are transformed through love, care, and education.

Jennifer Hans, originally from Maui, Hawaii, wasn’t discouraged by the looming pandemic lockdown. Deep down, she felt a void—a lack of purpose guiding her life. Estranged from her children under painful circumstances, she carried an abundance of love she yearned to share. When she arrived in Vrindavan, India, in March 2020, she was deeply moved by the urgent need to support children living in poverty in the local shantytowns.

The Braj Bhumi team encouraged Jennifer to start with a summer school program in the back of a temple building. Over the years, this initiative evolved into a school serving 110 students, now known as the Bhakta Bandhav Gurukulam. The students receive daily lunch meals, food packets for their families, medical care, academic classes, and training in sewing, organic farming, art, and meditation.

“I have never committed 100% to anything in my life. Now I am here, giving my all to these children every day. I have been committed to this work for five years now. This is God’s grace,” Jennifer said, wiping tears from her eyes.

The impact of Braj Bhumi’s leadership and team has helped many find purpose through service and gain the tools and support needed to become service leaders in India and beyond.

“We are a social network,” Jennifer explained. “We visit the children’s homes and talk to their parents about the importance of education, while also addressing challenges such as hygiene, perceptions of a girl’s role in the family, and superstitions.”

Many of Jennifer’s students are undocumented and cannot easily join the public school system. Some face learning disabilities or are discouraged by their families from attending school, as they are expected to work instead.

Bhakta Bandhav Gurukulam

The Bhakta Bandhav Gurukulam also has an emergency fund to support students in dire situations. For instance, Nandini, a 13-year-old student, was diagnosed with cancer last year. The emergency fund ensured she received immediate treatment, and she has been in remission for over six months. In another instance, Jennifer extended her care by temporarily housing the siblings of a girl undergoing treatment for tuberculosis, ensuring they had a safe and supportive environment during a difficult time.

The children lovingly call Jennifer “Yashoda,” after Krishna’s mother—a name that embodies motherly affection and generosity. In Vrindavan, Krishna’s sacred land, a cherished tradition holds that Krishna safeguards its residents. For the children of Bhakta Bandhav Gurukulam, that protection has come through Yashoda’s unwavering love and dedication.

“When I see these children and take care of them, I realize I really have no problems. I have never had to worry about where my next meal will come from or feel discouraged by my parents from having dreams of my own,” Jennifer reflected.

Now 59 years old, Jennifer plans to certify the school as a recognized charity in India, enabling it to receive additional funding. To achieve this, she needs to expand to a larger property that can accommodate a play structure and a small sports field. She also dreams of creating a computer room and eventually extending the school’s offerings to the high school level.

If you feel inspired by this heartfelt project and would like to support it, please consider making a monthly donation. Every contribution makes a meaningful difference! We will continue to update our readers on the milestones we achieve each quarter.

For more information or to visit the Bhakta Bandhav Gurukulam in Vrindavan, please contact Malini Taneja at

Jeffrey Sweeney

Jeffrey Sweeney, CEO at US Capital Global, visiting one of our schools.